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Living in Chicago, by way of Dayton, OH and Havertown, PA. Contact me at atozpod@gmail.com.



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Monday, June 26, 2006

Monday - The Rest of the Day

Day 4, Session 3:
Location: At work and then on the way home from a long terrible Monday.
First song: 1000 Hours by Green Day
Last full song: Abandoning the Set List by Moxy Fruvous
Progress: 33-84 of 3962

We've finally reached the alphabet! The first song that starts with a letter? A Boozehound Named Barney from one of The Simpsons soundtracks.

Can I be a boozehound?
Not 'til you're fifteen.
I ran through all the songs that had years for titles. Here are my thoughts on those years:

1974 by Ryan Adams - I wasn't born yet. My parents weren't even married yet. The Flyers won the first of their two Stanley Cups though, so 1974 must have been a good year.
1979 by Smashing Pumpkins - I went to nursery school. Perhaps my oldest memory of all involves nursery school. We were sitting in the upstairs classroom passing the hilarious joke of the day back and forth. The joke? "Guess what?" "That's what!" It passed for hilarity back in the day.
83 by John Mayer - My younger sister was born in 1983. Technically both of my sisters are younger... so I guess my youngest sister was born 1983. This is also the last year a Philadelphia team won a title. We've reached the point where no one in my family believes this a coincidence anymore.
1989 by Clem Snide - My first "girlfriend" "broke up" with me in 1989. The quotes are there for a reason.

The other favorite note from this set of songs, the song A Conjunction of Drones Simulating the Way In Which Sufjan Stevens Has an Existential Crisis In the Great Godfrey Maze by Sufjan Stevens is only 19 seconds long. The title is so long and the song so short, that there is not time for the full title to scroll across the ipod screen.

Monday Morning Music

Day 4, Session 2:
Location: On the train on the way to work.
First song: #41 by Dave Matthews Band, the third and final song on my iPod in the #XX series from DMB
Last full song: 100 Years by Five For Fighting
Progress: 23-32 of 3962

Sadly for the songs that were heard this morning, their memory will forever be associated with the old woman who sat down next to me on the train. She must have got up this morning and decided today would be a good day to use her last half bottle of 'eau d'olde ladie'. If I inhale too deeply I can still smell it.

Favorite surprise tune of the morning: (Back Home Again In) Indiana by Louis Armstrong. Not that I'm surprised that a Louis Armstrong song was good, but it's from one of the cds that came from my wife's music library, so I don't think I had ever heard the song before.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Just for the record

Not that anyone should find this, but in case you do, bear with me at the beginning here. I haven't planned out a regular format or anything. But I need to keep up with things for record keeping purposes.

Day 1, Session 1:
Location: On the train on the way home from work.
First song: 'cello Song by Nick Drake, this is the first song alphabetically on my ipod. In case you're wondering, the apostrophe is the first "letter". We haven't gotten to A yet.
Last full song: #36 by Dave Matthews Band
Progress: 1-21 of 3925

Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Rules -or- This probably should have been first.*

What, exactly, am I doing here?

I am attempting to listen to to every song on my ipod in alphabetical order.

My parents gifted me a 30gb video ipod for Christmas 2005. I love me the ipod. All of my music with me all the time? I'm a fan. There are times when it feels like the ipod provides the movie of my life (as dull a movie as that would be) with a constant soundtrack.

At this point according to iTunes I have approximately 14 days worth of content stored (and about 5.5 gigs free.) Since I'll never have the chance to just sit down and listen for 14 straight days, I figured this would be the next best thing. I have about an hour commute back and forth each day on the train... prime listening time. I work on the computer during the day, but not on the phone much... more listening time. I can get those 14 days in... seeing how long it will take is part of the fun.

So far I've come up with a few rules:
1. I don't have to listen to podcasts. I subscribe to several but because the podcasts are a more temporary thing, meant to be listened to and then discarded, I can skip those.
2. If a song really sucks, I don't have to listen to all of it. I've made some questionable musical choices in my life, not to mention things from my wife's collection that I've never heard before (until she met me she loved Rush!) Some of it may really suck. I'm not doing this to torture myself, so I can skip really bad songs. I am however attempting to listen through every song at least half way. If something is so shockingly awful I have to delete it, I'll probably mention it.
3. I'm not going to hide anything because its bad. For example, in a future post I'll have to discuss Jewel.
4. No going backward. If songs are added to my library that come alphabetically before what I'm listening to now, too bad. If I backtrack, this may never get done (and there's already a very good chance this will never get done anyway.)

Feel free to leave comments along the way. I've been wanting to find out more about how I could make tons of money filling out surveys and stuffing envelopes from home!

*This was originally posted as the third entry... then I figured out how to edit posting dates and times. Man this internet is amazing.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

It Begins

...and in the beginning there was music. And it was good. Or at least some of it was. Some of it was actually quite bad. We're going to listen to it all.