from For the Widows to Free Ride
Day 515, Session 99:
When/Where: Saturday November 17th - At home while watching college football and playing a round of golf.
First song: For the Widows in Paradise, for the Fatherless in Ypsilanti by Sufjan Stevens
Last full song: Free Ride by Nick Drake
Progress: 1441-1465 of 5472
Total Songs Heard: 1181
I'm off to Nashville to eat some southern fried bird and attend the last of my old college roommate's weddings. There will be a proper post about this set of songs later, but for now, I would just like to point out that I was right all along!
"John Mayer is an insufferable douchebag!"
Just remember, even though you're just reading about it on TMZ now, you heard it here first. I'd like to think one of the sites that led Mr. Mayer to his conclusion was this one (but probably not.) Thanks to Rachel for the heads up.
Proper posting resumes next week, when I discuss why the song Frank's 2000-Inch TV makes me both happy and jealous.
Happy Thanksgiving everybody.
Frank's 2000-Inch TV - Weird Al Yankovic